Nicole R. Lewis1, Ryan M. Weatherwax2, Lance C. Dalleck1. The Effect of High Intensity Functional Training on Framingham 10-year risk of Heart Attack Score. 1High Altitude Exercise Physiology Program, Western Colorado University, Gunnison, CO, USA. 2Southern Oregon University, Department of Health and Exercise Science, Ashland, OR, USA.


Introduction: Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease (ASCVD) is the leading cause of death in the US. Individuals who possess three of the five Metabolic Syndrome (MetS) risk factors are two-fold more likely to develop ASCVD. High Intensity Functional Training (HIFT) elicits metabolic benefits as well as being time effective and enjoyable. The Framingham 10-year risk equation is an effective way to measure the probability of an individual encountering a heart attack in the next 10 years. The purpose of this research was to study the effects of different frequencies of HIFT on 10-year risk of heart attack. Methods: Twenty-one sedentary individuals with MetS, (males: n=11, females: n=10), were randomly placed into one of three HIFT exercise frequency groups: 1 d∙wk-1, 2d∙wk-1, or 3d∙wk-1. Participants completed individualized HIFT training in a group class setting for 12 weeks. Exercise duration and intensity were progressed over the study. Cardiometabolic components were tested at baseline and post-program (total cholesterol, high density lipoprotein cholesterol [HDL-C], systolic blood pressure [SBP]). Results: Although not statistically significant, all HIFT exercise frequency groups reduced their 10-year Framingham risk score for heart attack from baseline to post-program (1 d∙wk-1, -0.9%, 2d∙wk-1, -0.1%, 3d∙wk-1, -0.1%). HDL-C percent change from baseline to post-program was (1d∙wk-1: 1.74%, 2d∙wk-1: -7.18%, 3d∙wk-1: -1.55%), total cholesterol (1d∙wk-1: -0.85%, 2d∙wk-1: -2.64%, 3d∙wk-1: -3.62%), and SBP (1d∙wk-1: -2.58%, 2d∙wk-1: 0.16%, 3d∙wk-1: 2.92%). Conclusions: As little as 1d∙wk-1 of HIFT may elicit similar benefits to heart attack risk reduction as 2d∙wk-1 and 3d∙wk-1.